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Please Do Go Gently

David F Williams, PhD, DSc, FREng, FLSW
Author, Scientist & Consultant

Dylan Thomas famously wrote about his father’s decline and suggested that he should not become milder as he faded away. Some may differ when they witness such fading.

Please Do Go Gently

A strong father
Always with his own way
Slips slowly into the soft eventide
A rebellious son, unused to this surrender
Delivers, epically, do not go gentle into that good night

Angry young men vitalize
Angry old men embarrass
Rational disagreement
Even flowing with invective
Can enrich the active debate

But when confused febrile defensive veterans
Effuse accumulated bile
Into any listening ear
Respect is the loser
There’s not one winner
A good life becomes soiled
The last memories tainted
The marathon runner falls over
His mouth in the last mile
Please do go gently into that good night

Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA, May 2011

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