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The Cold Heat of Nanoscience

David F Williams, PhD, DSc, FREng, FLSW
Author, Scientist & Consultant

Back to some science, and nanotechnology again, where there is a great deal of confusion and debate about the promise and dangers of man’s exploitation of the nanoscale. One of the world’s epicentres of nanotechnology is in China.

The Cold Heat of Nanoscience

An organism of massive dimension
Where febrile peripheral matrices
Are overcome by urban cellular fusion
To develop chaotic debris
Within their nuclei
Party-fed vectors
Homecoming super-idols
Change the DNA
Rapidly evolving societal nature
Following Huxley, Verne, Orwell
Presenting a new Da Vinci nanocode

With a Feynman approach
In a far-from-primeval swamp
Assembly at the nanolevel
Builds nucleic acid engines
Intended to power regeneration
Of hearts and minds, even souls

The swamp changes to a lake
And lakes metaphorically collect
As the nodes of Jiangsu
Close to the aorta of the organism
Powerfully beating to the intensity
The white heat of yesterday’s technology
Transfers to the cold fusion of Suzhou

Suzhou, China, May 2011

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