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The Sanctity of Evil

David F Williams, PhD, DSc, FREng, FLSW
Author, Scientist & Consultant

The daily news of terrorist-delivered death and destruction is heartbreaking; the events defy all logic to the majority of us.

The Sanctity of Evil

We are told of a love
That passeth all understanding
We want to believe
That this is so

The inexplicable patterns of nature
Can only unfold this way
From conception
To movement in the firmament
The heavenly control
Of water, fire, earth and air
To the benefit of all

No need for a big bang
Or a Higgs Nobel boson
The courses and causes of life
Have been achieved
Through motivation and love
That passeth all understanding

But there is something else
That passeth all understanding
Or so I believe

We know we are not all the same
Life would be dull if we were
Biologically impossible
Unless all created simultaneously
Not just in its likeness
But by the genes of our maker

In the delicate arrangement of humanity
Built on strong trunks but unsteady branches
Strands are broken
In chromosomes, genes and beings
Houses of cards are challenged
Yielding ripples or even volcanoes
Within this harmonious world of love

Unintended by nature, I’m sure
Aberrations beget evil
Actions of this force
Are committed which
Passeth all understanding

At some point
Before Genesis
At the birth of Homo erectus
Evil genes mutated

I have seen a lion bring down a springbok
Not far away, off the coast
Sharks throw into the air seal pups
Before tearing them apart
A python winds around a warthog
Hyenas laugh at their steal
Are these acts of evil?
No, just nature’s hunger

Deer, or elk or moose
Lock horns with each other
Old bull elephants
Defend against imposters
Often to the death
Are these acts of evil?
No, just procreation control

Where in the animal preserve
Is ever a hint
Of the evil of men?
True, some dogs hunt deer and foxes

Not for their food we note
Bears fight each other when baited
The evil of man
Can be passed on
Through training and denial

Today, Boko Haram
Gleefully degrade young women
Captured in the name of Islam
Leaders in Syria
Content with razing their cities
In the name of what?

Russian leaders in Ukraine
Proclaim Stalin as the saviour of the world
Bosnia, Rwanda, Biafra, Hitler, ISIS
We know that evil exists
Profoundly in mankind
Way beyond our understanding

North Carolina, USA, July 2014

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