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Those Who Think for Themselves

David F Williams, PhD, DSc, FREng, FLSW
Author, Scientist & Consultant

Still with education, there is a tendency, when you get a little older, to believe that standards are slipping and that outcomes, that is the intelligence and abilities of educated people, are not the same as they were. This temptation is very strong sometimes.

Those Who Think for Themselves

The language of today
Strange vehicles of fame
Ten thousand re-tweets
Eighty blogs, no comments
Viral is good
Followers and friends of nothing
Add up
A few YouTube minutes
Shoot you to stardom
There is fluff in the clouds

The résumé is measured
Not in achievement
But in manipulation
Of others’ thoughts
Careers often lost not gained
Through short missives
Sent without control

Real neural networks
Lead to brain power
Impaired internetworks
Take away that power
To think for oneself
Substituting garbage for wisdom

North Carolina, USA, May 2014

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