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Cityscapes and Townships

David F Williams, PhD, DSc, FREng, FLSW
Author, Scientist & Consultant
Cityscapes and Townships - Australia and China by David F Williams
Sydney, Australia and Shantou, China

Cityscapes and Townships

Sydney, Australia

God gave the beauty
Man built on it
Six days they work
On the seventh they sail
Spinnakers, jibs and toys
Tacking around ferries and buoys
Skyscrapers and harbour swell
Reflect in each other’s might

Sydney, Australia

Shantou, China

Mile after dreary mile
No sign of beauty or God
Few toys here
Not much money around
No skyscraper, no harbour
No sails, no boats
No work for a day, let alone a week
Reflections only of poverty

Shantou, China

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