Listen to Me

David F Williams, PhD, DSc, FREng, FLSW
Author, Scientist & Consultant
South Pacific off Kaikoura Bay, New Zealand
South Pacific off Kaikoura Bay, New Zealand

Listen to Me

What do I have to do
To get your attention
I will roll over
Flip backwards, splash excitedly
If only you will listen, not laugh
This was our ocean once, not yours
With whales, a multitude of fish
Aquatic birds and minute sea life
Left to ourselves, we had harmony
Of course a food chain, just like yours
But species adapted and survived

You, who come to watch me perform
Took whole groups out of our chain
For your own gluttony or sport
Polluting the land so the oceans change
Ice melts, waters warm, coral erodes
Seas now encroaching on you

If we die, so do you
What will it take for you to listen

South Pacific off Kaikoura Bay, New Zealand

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