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David F Williams, PhD, DSc, FREng, FLSW
Author, Scientist & Consultant

The single most destructive, self-imposed, event in the history of the United Kingdom has had enormous consequences, which were there to see, in plain sight, back in 2016.


The announcement of Brexit
In place of a Grexit
To American-domiciled Brits
Was worse than a plate of grits

Take back your country, they said
So you don’t share your daily bread
With migrants crossing the Med
Or work-hungry Poles and reds

Keep the money destined for Brussels
Build up our own cockles and muscles
Splendid isolation, no need to hustle
All we need for ourselves, forever to guzzle

The three musketeers of today
Farange, Gove and Boris, hurrah
Arrogance, hatchet-man and buffoon, betray
A thousand-year history in a day

Now they all leave, Brexit stage left
A confused nation, bereft
Since there was no plan, no deft
Manoeuver to deal with the theft
Of society’s fabric, both warp and weft
The proud Kingdom, now cleft

Britain has faced adversity before
But with a Lloyd George or Churchill to the fore
Maybe it will take another war
To heal the carbuncular sore

But wasn’t that what the EU was for
To favor harmony in place of war

Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA, July 2016

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