Welsh Dragon Silhouette - Wikimedia Commons


David F Williams, PhD, DSc, FREng, FLSW
Author, Scientist & Consultant

The 70th anniversary of D-Day needs no introduction. The pattern of war has changed, and this type of action is unlikely to be seen again, but these momentous events in history should never be forgotten.


For seventy years he stood proud
Never forgetting
Never really remembering
His momentous defining day

Young, just seventeen
Had to become a man
That decisive day

Delivered to a beach in Normandy
Heavily protected
That difficult day

Men all around blown apart or asunder
He struggled ashore
On that destructive day

They fought and fought
Sandhills and minefields
Never stopping, never giving up
That diabolical day

Now he stands
A cemetery of remembrance
Grateful his Queen came to see
She remembered that day
Today’s politicians not even born
They struggle to relate to
The immensity of death that day

But they came
And duly extolled
Their thanks and
Their feelings on destiny day

Hope that the presence
Of our man
Impresses these leaders
Never, never, repeat
That damned D-day

North Carolina, USA, June 2014

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