Queen Calico Cat

David F Williams, PhD, DSc, FREng, FLSW
Author, Scientist & Consultant

A quasi-feral but colorful cat, tamed each year.

Queen Calico Cat

She came (almost all calicos are she)
Creeping between the cabernet and
Chardonnay of Chantelle
Crying quietly, like the Christmas before
To the Carolinians, who caressed her
Catered her bisque quotidian
The capricious queen calico of the Cape
Kittenless, by a quirk of nature
Seeking company and care

Children with their favorite crayons
Had taken her colorless fur
Turned the stomach a brilliant white
Streaks of orange and brown at the collar and spine
Checkerboard grey over the head and tail
Green eyes, multicolored ears
A kaleidoscope of charm and cunning
Cute, as she curls up
On her favored cushioned chair

With closed eyes, she can still see
Claws contracted within the comfort zone
Always cleaning those calico colors
Sometimes regally, sometimes ungainly
Carefully cultivating, captivating
No Cheshire cat grin here
Nor Carroll’s Alice to show the way
Just comfortable, a stretch and a purr
Charming the guests on Sala Khali’s stoop

Franschhoek, South Africa, February 2023

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