The End of Political Vision

David F Williams, PhD, DSc, FREng, FLSW
Author, Scientist & Consultant

This is primarily directed towards the USA; forget your principles and just follow the money.

The End of Political Vision

Presidential pretenders
Spend months and fortunes
Persuading a credulous populace
That their vision will reunite America

One hundred days they gave JFK
That mantra has strayed
No longer a honeymoon for the victor
Minimal post-partum period when the womb is safe
After which it is ripe for invasion
Raped by engorged losers
Usurping the vision
That has gone before

Instead of using the votes he has won
He starts counting those he has lost
Less than two years to the mid-terms
Three to the primaries
Four to the next vote
Scores have to be settled
Factions coveted
Lobbyists appeased

Campaign pledges ignored
Opportunistic positions adopted
Reversing direction at ease
Policies are not foreign
Nor climate, nor health nor fiscal
Only who will vote for me next time
What do I have to pay
And to whom to make it so

North Carolina, USA, September 2013

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