And I Was Afraid

David F Williams, PhD, DSc, FREng, FLSW
Author, Scientist & Consultant

A fearful analogy of my native Wales and our American neighboring region of Appalachia.

And I Was Afraid

This land is my land
This land is your land
And I am afraid

This land was my land
This land was your land
We were right to be afraid

From Allegheny to Abergavenny
These lands no longer are yours or mine
Remember Cordell
Rape of the Fair Country
I could never have expressed it so well

Unlucky you if there was coal under your hearth, not in it
Poor you if your ground is good for fracking
In a few years, you and yours will not be there
How miserable to live on a scenic reservation
Destroyed by casino, liquor and pipelines

From my former beautiful Wales
To your Appalachian Trails

We have been, and should be, afraid

Appalachia, USA, July 2019

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