Lost Memories at the Table

David F Williams, PhD, DSc, FREng, FLSW
Author, Scientist & Consultant

Table Mountain in Cape Town is a wonderful sight, especially on a beautiful spring evening, sitting on the Waterfront; but the whispery clouds that form on the table, summon some other ideas.

Lost Memories at the Table

I rest in Bascule
Intent on slowing the pace of my brain cells
For a leisurely evening
Of thoughtful solitude
Before flying the Cape

Over the brim of a Neil Ellis
The cleanest of tables
Massive flat ear to the east of Lion’s Head
Clear, as the sun diminishes its influence
A mighty proud dominance
Of all around
Resembling a forehead of aged wisdom

From the left, a wisp of white
And maybe doubt
As the clarity is threatened
By threads and yarns of cloud
That forehead recedes
Taken over by a silver lining
As the cloth is draped
Over the table
The granite head
So eminent before
Quakes a little in uncertainty
The grey matter bubbles along with our champagne

Behind me
The nubile waterfront
Uncouthly brings on the night
Raucous hedonism
Reminds us of yesterday
As the old man above
Is enveloped in uncertainty
Not knowing where he is
No memory of what went before

Cape Town, South Africa, November 2013

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